Indie Spice Catering
We offer a wide range of dishes that can be delivered directly to your door.
About Indie Spice Grill
Our extensive knowledge of regional Indian food positions us as the true taste ambassadors of India’s ‘melting pot’ of influences. Low-fat and healthy, we use only lean, local meat and responsibly sourced vegetables. Our lentils, beans pulses, exotic herbs and exotic spices maximize taste, increase fiber and contain lower levels of fat, salt and sugar.
Indie Spice Grill is warm and welcoming, accessible and exceptional. Join us today at our theatre of fine Indian cuisine.
Totally India Locally
Our unique fusion makes for a healthy menu with maximum flavour and aroma. Passionate about great food and inspired by our Swords home, our contemporary menu fuses fine Indian cuisine with the best local produce and seasonal ingredients.
“In Indian supersition it is said that when our National Bird spreads it’s tails, rain is imminent. Welcome to Ireland, my friend!”

Our Suppliers